As far as my 19 Things Before 20 Goes I've Accomplished A Few
7. Acquire a Digital Camera and Take Lots of Pictures.
DONE! Can I just say that I absolutely love having a digital camera? It's basically the best thing in the entire world. Admittedly, more often than not I take pictures of food, random signs, and things that inspire my entire family to say, "What the Crap?" (aka Dance Party Mickey).
6. Run a 5K
I only consider this one to be partially done. Our family is training for the Disneyland Half Marathon of 2011. Consequently, I've been running a lot lately (something I've never really done, but always hated). I'm happy to report that I'm improving. My first 5K was the Farr West 5K in July...I walked...a lot of it. The second was the Clinton City Days 5K about a month later-and I ran a little, and yet again walked most of it. Last week at the gym I ran a 5K in 42 minutes and that was a huge success. It may not be as impressive as an Olympian's time, but the fact that I was able to run longer than three minutes several times is improvement, and that feels awesome to me.
9. Cut my Hair Shorter than Normal
BEST IDEA EVER! I love having my hair shorter! I'd held on to keeping it long all through high school because there was this boy who told me that it was perfect and straight. I'll never let something as simple, but somehow important, be decided for me by a boy.
16. Create a Budget! Stick to it!
I'm first of all very happy to say that I spent the entire summer being employed by the US Census and I'm now a DirecTV customer service rep. While I don't want to stay in the customer service representative position for the rest of my life, I feel really grateful to have a job. I'm seeing the amount of money in my savings account increase and I can't wait to spend it on tuition! There's nothing like taking the semester off from school that shows you just how much you really love school. Even though I was a little burnt out last semester, I've missed learning new things so much. Can't wait to get back! So I've created a budget and I've stuck to it. It feels so awesome to be able to get things that I want, without sacrificing tuition money.
Okay, that's all for now folks. I've got a ten hour shift tomorrow, and I'm exhausted! Good night Neverland!
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