Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sucess in the Form of 50,065 Words

Yes folks, that's right, Jessica actually managed to write 50,065 words in a month (26 days if you want to be exact). The massive amounts of relief and elation that I feel five days later is almost indescribable. National Novel Writing Month sounded like an adventure during the first part of the month. To be honest, it didn't even seem like all that much work. It was just 1,667 words a day. Totally doable. Then I hit the third weekend of November, when I didn't write at all because I was playing with my family and going on dates, and playing with my friends. Go figure. I got behind. I was seriously about to quit last week. I very nearly did. But then I would see my word count sitting at 40,000 and all I could think was, "But I'm so close," I pressed through the nagging to quit and came out triumphant. Words have never felt so good!