Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's Spring...But You'd Never Know that Looking Out My Window

It's spring! And it seems like I've had quite a few adventures recently, so I figured that I maybe should consider mentioning some of them, so without further stalling...and in no particular order of importance or preference...here we go:
  • This last weekend I went down to Payson with my roommates. Brittnay, Amy, and Paige are all from Payson and they wanted us to come to the Color Festival at the Hari Krishna temple with them. Even though the girls don't exactly like my music (we took the mini-van so we'd have more room...and when I drive the rule is "My car, my music") I like to think that we all had a really good time. The color festival was such a cool experience, and something I totally would do again. The festival is to celebrate the beginning of spring. Basically, everyone has this neon colored dust and you throw it at each other, and then, when the time is right, everyone throws what remains of their dust into the air. The air was so thick with the haze of powder that it was basically impossible to see or breathe...but in a cool way. We took some pretty cool pictures too...I'll post some when they're on facebook so I have access to them (did I mention that my camera has been MIA since sometime first semester?).
  • Spring Break was the third week in March. Let me tell you what, I was in desperate need of some time away from classes. I love to learn. I always have. But boy oh boy did I need a break. Spring Break had a lot of mini-adventures. Skyler and I were determined to do something that we don't normally do, so we went miniature golfing, to dinner, and then we drove up the canyon to check out some real stars. Mel and I had a sleepover. I saw Alice in Wonderland(a movie I have loved all three times that I saw it, no matter what anyone else says) with Grant and then with my family. I got to see "The Wedding Singer" with my little sister and laugh at her when she cried during "If I Told You" (in her defense, she was having a bad day). Elisha and I hung out a lot and giggled a ton...we don't do that nearly often enough. I got to visit mom at school and listen to yet another one of her rockin lectures. It was sweet!
  • My little brother turned twelve on the last day of Spring Break. I was so excited to be there for when he got ordained a deacon. It's so weird to think that my baby brother can pass the sacrament! Who gave him permission to grow up? I know Mom and Dad didn't, and neither did I.
  • I finally got over the pneumonia I managed to catch. Go figure...
  • I've been on a total reading kick for the past month. So far this month I've read...

Mila 18 by Leon Uris

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Sorcery and Cecilia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer

The Grand Tour by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer

and I'm currently in the middle of rereading "A Ring of Endless Light"

by Madeleine L'Engle

1 comment:

  1. Have you read Sarah's Key? Totally worth the read.

    Sorry to hear you got pneumonia, but yay for having a fun spring break. :D
