Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Is Why I Desperately Need Employment

So...I finished making my "19 Things Before 20" list on Tuesday night. Since then I have already burned through two books. I'm not going to lie, I'm loving having the time to read (and I really have been doing other stuff too-I helped Lisa paint their summer house all day, pinky promise).

The first book is called "Catching Fire" it's part of a trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Of course, the third book, "Mockingjay" won't be out until August 24...cruel cruel world. Suzanne writes very grippingly and you immediately love her characters, despite the fact that they're occasionally stupid. Did I mention that I basically despise waiting for final books in series to come out? It's awful, and then the author always seems to do something turn the male romantic lead into a tree...or just kill him off altogether. So for now I guess I have to wait, because whether or not I'm impatient, it's not coming out any sooner.

The second is called, "My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions" by Becca Wilhite. Elisha handed it to me last night when we were hanging out, promising that it was going to be darling. It was.

Sometimes I wonder if I should be allowed to read. It gives me all sorts of batty ideas; then again, where would the world be without a few people who believe in the impossible? Not very far, right?

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